Ronnie Ochieng

Data Scientist & Software Developer. Biomedical Engineer.

I am driven by the convergence of biomedical engineering, data science, and software development, passionately leveraging cutting-edge technologies to solve complex challenges. With a solid foundation in biomedical engineering and extensive experience as a data scientist and seasoned software developer, I have a proven track record of delivering impactful solutions across various domains.

Featured Projects

View selected projects below:

Optimized Retrieval System using Hybrid search

I developed an optimized retrieval system using hybrid search that combines BM25 and FAISS retrievers generating both dense and sparse vector embeddings to ensure relevant documents are returned upon user query.

View GitHub Repository AIntuition

Automated Number Plate Recognition System

I developed an automated number plate recognition system that is capable of detecting and recognizing number plates in images using OpenCV's Canny edge detection algorithm and Tesseract OCR. The system is designed to automate Kenyan vehicles' license plates recognition to automate parking fee payment systems.

View Streamlit Application Automatic Number Plate Recognition System

AgriXpert Bot

Streamlit application that shows a proof of concept how large language models can be used to provide remedies to farmers' queries. The application supports Swahili, English, and French languages. The model was fine-tuned on an agricultural dataset. The chatbot system has been used in building AgriXpert Bot system which is a voice-SMS chatbot that provides agricultural information to farmers in Kenya.

View Streamlit Application AgriXpert

Swahili Speech Recognition System

Led a team of three individuals to develop a robust and efficient Swahili Speech Recognition system that can be applied across various domains, including transcription services, voice assistants, language learning applications, and more. The system was built to enhance acessibility to technology for Swahili speakers, enabling seamless interaction with digital devices through spoken language.

View Hugging Face Repository Swahili Speech Recognition

AI-powered fire detection system

I developed an AI-powered fire detection and classification system designed to detect and classify fires in real-time. The system is capable of detecting and classifying fires in images and videos. The system is powered by a deep learning model trained on the PyTorch framework using YOLOv5 architecture.

View GitHub Repository Fire detection

E-waste Detection System

I designed a system to facilitate the responsible disposal of e-waste. Users will be able to contribute their e-waste and, in return, receive points equivalent to the assessed value of the items, determined through cutting-edge computer vision techniques.

View Streamlit Application E-collect Streamlit Application

Movie Recommender System using Content-Based Filtering

I developed a movie recommender system based on content-based filtering. The recommender model recommends movies to you based on features of users and movies.

View Notebook Movie Recommender System

Yatsa Data Analytics

YatsaApp is a car tracking solution that provides real-time GPS tracking and monitoring services for vehicles. The project's main aim was to provide valuable insights derived from the data gathered from the Yatsa fleet of vehicles. The insights were used to improve the company's operations and customer service.

View Analytics Dashboard Yatsa Data Analytics


BebaPeleka project is a transformative solution aimed at tackling the issue of inadequate compensation that farmers often face when selling their produce through intermediaries. The primary objective of this project was to empower farmers by enabling them to monitor and receive fair remuneration for their agricultural efforts. I led a team of four individuals including myself in modelling data gathered from farmers' produce receipts. We developed an entity relationship diagram (ERD) and a relational database schema for the BebaPeleka database. I designed a Figma prototype for the BebaPeleka mobile application.

View Figma Prototype BebaPeleka

Work Experience

Freelance Machine Learning & Backend Engineer


February 2024 - Present

I freelance on Upwork as a Machine Learning & Backend Engineer. I have worked on various projects including developing machine learning models, building web applications, and creating APIs. I have experience working with a client for a project that involved developing agentic workflows using CrewAI.

Biomedical Engineering Intern

Mater Misericordiae Hospital


January 2024 - March 2024

As a Biomedical Engineering Intern at Mater Misericordiae, I was responsible for repairing and maintaining various medical equipment such as baby incubators, dialysis machines, ultrasound, suction machines, and ventilators. This involved using my knowledge of engineering principles and medical technology to diagnose problems with the equipment, perform necessary repairs, and ensure that the equipment was operating at optimal levels.

Data Analyst

Tingle Software: Yatsa

March 2023 - April 2023

As a data analyst at Tingle Software, I was responsible for analyzing data from the Yatsa fleet of vehicles, providing valuable insights that were used to improve the company's operations and customer service.

Biomedical Engineering Intern

Kenyatta National Hospital


January 2023 - March 2023

As a Biomedical Engineering Intern at Kenyatta National Hospital, I was responsible for repairing and maintaining various medical equipment such as baby incubators, dialysis machines, ultrasound, suction machines, and ventilators. This involved using my knowledge of engineering principles and medical technology to diagnose problems with the equipment, perform necessary repairs, and ensure that the equipment was operating at optimal levels.


Kenyatta University.

Biomedical Engineering

5th Year Biomedical Engineering Student


KamiLimu Mentee

KamiLimu is a non-profit organization whose mission is to upskill tertiary-level tech students with competencies in personal and professional development, industry-relevant ICT skills, innovation, scholarship, and community engagement, in an effort to nurture employability, enhance student learning outcomes, and increase global competitiveness.


Jan 2024

Completed AI for Medical Diagnosis course offered by DeepLearning.AI


Sep 2023

Completed Image Super Resolution using Autoencoders in Keras course offered by Coursera Project Network.


July 2023

Completed Unsupervised learning, recommender systems, and reinforcement learning course in the Machine Learning Specialization course offered by DeepLearning.AI

October 2022

Completed Supervised Machine Learning: regression and classification Course in the machine learning specialization course offered by DeepLearning.AI

Goethe Institut

I learnt Deutsch language right from the beginners level A1 to A2. I have an elementary understanding of the German language and culture.